Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm still here!

I promise you guys that I'm still here and haven't gone out of business or anything. Life has been crazy these past few weeks and couple of months around my house with my 1st son having his 3rd birthday and my 2nd son will be born (by induction) this Thursday (Sept 10). There has been a lot of preperation for both of these huge life changing events in my house and I've been slacking on making boards. After baby boy Little arrives and I get back into the swing of things I promise I will be on top of things again. I have my first market in December (I will update on that later) so I have to make a lot more boards before then. Keep your eyes open for new boards soon, I have a lot of sketches of things I want to do in my sketch book just have to get them out. I'm always open for new ideas from you guys so send them my way, even if you don't want to buy them yourself, someone will. :o)

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